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Study says Internet use high among students

September 18, 2002

A recent study says the Internet is used more by college students than other groups.

The Pew Internet & American Life Project released a survey Sunday stating 86 percent of college students across the country use the Internet. The statistics are an increase from the 59 percent of the overall U.S. population that use the Web.

“I know it probably sounds like a lot, but I’m online 10-15 hours a week,” interdisciplinary humanities sophomore Kendra Greene said.

“That 10-15 hours goes toward a lot though.”

Greene said she spends part of that time talking to her boyfriend who attends Eastern Michigan University, on AOL Instant Messenger because it’s cheaper than using a phone. She also uses the Web for studying and research.

“I have two classes that require a lot of research,” she said. “It makes it easier to get information I need from places I wouldn’t have access to otherwise.”

The study also said 42 percent of students use the Internet for instant messaging and e-mail, compared to the 38 percent who use the Web for academic purposes.

Almost 80 percent of students surveyed at 30 colleges and universities said the Internet has added to their college academic experience, while 46 percent said e-mail has enhanced their relationship with professors.

The statistics could be attributed to students using computers at younger ages, said Steve Jones, the report’s lead author and head of the communications department at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

“This generation was born around the time the PC was introduced,” Jones said. “Being a teacher for 16 years, I’ve seen the drastic changes in the way students use technology.”

History sophomore Ryan Francis said he uses computers as an information resource.

“If I didn’t have the Internet, I’d probably lose a lot of information,” Francis said. “I don’t like going to the library at all.”


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