Saturday, September 21, 2024

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Stop hating America

Resurge of racial discrimination not alright, people shouldnt be afraid within U.S. borders

There is no place for hate in our world, but the unwelcome guest keeps showing its evil face.

With the anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks still fresh in our memory, many issues surrounding the attacks have been reawakened, and others didn’t go away. It is amazing how horrible, hateful actions have instilled fear in people and invaded our country worse than any airplane hijackers could.

It is tragically ironic when a conference such as “Islam in America: Rights and Citizenship in a Post 9/11 World” kicks off on a sour note when a Muslim taxi driver hired to pick up guest speakers at a California airport refused to do his job. The Associated Press reported Thursday the driver cited fears of rousing FBI suspicions.

It also is unfortunate a State News columnist had to tell readers he feared for his life after being threatened with numerous racial slurs for giving his opinion.

Students in groups such as MSU’s Muslim Students’ Association also have said they are fearful, having received several threats in the past year.

Everyone in the United States has the right to feel safe and secure within these borders, yet hate encroaches on this right. Various people in the United States are constantly facing discrimination by others’ hateful actions as a result of Sept. 11.

Instead of more fear and disdain, the memories of Sept. 11 should inspire people to have increased awareness and learn more about the other cultures and people that make America a great place to call home.

Being open to people with different beliefs and morals can be a huge step toward achieving peace and harmony. We need to accept that differences are a part of life.

One only has to take a short walk through MSU’s campus to realize there are all sorts of people here, and they are all products of many distinct, varied backgrounds and environments.

We need to realize we are all human and we all deserve respect for whatever we believe in if we are to accept differences and gain a perspective of peace. We all deserve to feel safe in our own country.

Hating anyone who does not share the same beliefs - and then acting on that hate - is deplorable, and only fuels the discord that continues to divide much of the world.

Hate needs to be phased out of our hearts to prevent tragedy from consuming our nation.


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