Saturday, September 21, 2024

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Spartan fans dont understand wave

Every fan in Bobby’s World and a majority of regular student season ticket holders need to be taught a lesson about being sports fans. They are abusing “the wave.”

I know this seems trivial, but our cheers do affect the emotions of the players on both sides of the ball.

The wave is a sign of disrespect to opposing teams. Historically, it shows they are no match and we would rather occupy our time with mindless standing and sitting than pay attention to them. It is usually reserved for a blowout.

Repeatedly Bobby’s World has started the wave at incorrect times.

The most disgusting incident was versus Rice when it was on our 3-yard line in the second quarter.

This is a time we should be screaming to possibly get a false start or miscommunication on their line, not waving hands to get fans actually paying attention to stop cheering.

You come to a football game to cheer, so cheer.

Ken Wink
2002 graduate


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