Saturday, September 21, 2024

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Security measures at stadium needed

I just read the article titled “Fans adjust to new rules at stadium” (SN 9/9). And since I am one of those security guards mentioned in the piece, I felt the need to tell my side of the story on behalf of other security guards.

We are employed by MSU police. Every special event on campus requires security of some sort by university regulations. The rules regarding security procedures for athletic events, in fact, are not made by the police department as many assume, but by the athletic department. The police force and green coats, as we are called, are there merely to enforce them.

We can’t make an exception regarding large bags, food or anything else that is not allowed just because the person might seem legitimate, otherwise the whole safety objective is undermined.

These rules might seem stringent, but I can tell you that every Saturday we find all sorts of things that if unnoticed, could be potentially hazardous - weapons, drugs and alcohol.

In regard to the supposed “ignorance” of the fans who claim they knew of no rules about items not being permitted into Spartan Stadium, they must have clearly been hiding under a rock.

Letters were sent to all ticket holders regarding such rules, in addition to the local T.V. news and newspapers, along with radio announcements and, starting this season, even announcements from the speakers at the stadium before the gates open.

The world has unfortunately changed greatly in the past year, and so have security measures.

Next time you attend a game at Spartan Stadium or any other special event on campus, please take into consideration the hard work the athletics department, police force and green coats put into providing a safe experience for all.

Heather Korb
interdisciplinary studies in
social science sophomore


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