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Lessons to learn

Anniversary of downtown assault reminder of need to promote responsible alcohol use

The second anniversary of Brandon D’Annunzio’s death is approaching, and not much has changed.

It was two years ago, during the weekend MSU hosted Northwestern at Spartan Stadium, that the 24-year-old Michigan Technological University student was assaulted outside an M.A.C. Avenue bar.

Late-night fights are common in East Lansing. Between Aug. 15 and Sept. 25, police reported responding to 90 fights - 57 were reported for the same period in 2001, and 41 during that time in 2000.

But the fight D’Annunzio found himself in on Oct. 1, 2001, was uncommon in one way. It cost him his life 10 days later.

D’Annunzio had come to East Lansing with friends to celebrate a buddy’s bachelor’s party.

It was expected to be a night like any other - a fun time with friends.

But fun turned into horror after D’Annunzio was separated from his friends and became the subject of an attack that cost him his life.

According to police reports, he had a confrontation that night with an unknown woman while waiting in line at Riviera Cafe Restaurant and Lounge, 231 M.A.C. Ave.

D’Annunzio later became separated from his friends who went to BW-3, then located at 220 M.A.C. Ave., and was sick and vomiting on the street when a group of five men and two women approached him.

Police believe one of the women was the person D’Annunzio confronted earlier at Riviera Cafe.

Witnesses said the men punched him before he feel and hit his head on the sidewalk.

Police found D’Annunzio unconscious and bleeding when they arrived on the scene at 12:40 a.m.

The attackers have yet to be identified.

Although the results are not as severe as in D’Annunzio’s case, fights like these happen every weekend in East Lansing - and can directly be linked to alcohol.

D’Annunzio’s isn’t the only death in East Lansing that can be linked to alcohol consumption during the past few years:Delta College student Eric Blair in 2001; parks and recreation junior Bradley McCue and Kettering University student Ryan Getz in 1998 -the list goes on.

We cannot let this list grow year after year. Irresponsible drinking is a problem in East Lansing and other college towns across the country. We have a responsibility to ourselves and our community to remedy the situation.

While no one might have the solve-all answer, we can better the situation by looking out for one another, by knowing our limits and promoting responsibility.


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