Saturday, September 21, 2024

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Conspiracy pins city against students

I am writing to reply to “Council discusses noise, alcohol” (SN 9/25).

It really aggravates me that the city council is pointing fingers at people for the increase in noise violations.

There was an issue last year that the city was trying to move students away from campus, pushing them out. The rent companies complied by raising rent rates so that students would move away from town.

Police are now complying because they have the power to write tickets at random. The police come to break up a party that is not being loud, but there are many bodies there, they see this as a noise violation.

No, I would have to disagree. I see it as a gathering of social people, who out of control, should be broken up, who drink underage should be fined. Not giving noise violations that say, “Well the kids are rowdy here, more than ever so we need to push them out of town.”

I feel it is a big conspiracy.

The council and many other conspirators are joining forces to please residents, not students. But it’s students who make up a good majority - if not all, of this town.

So, since they have conspired and found a legitimate reason to keep pushing out, they need a person or committee that represents the student to blame.

Conspirators now have a reason to push them out because the student body cannot be controlled.

It’s not our fault police can’t find the underage drinkers, that’s their job, among other things. What needs to be done is that we all need to work together.

Pushing us out just ignores the problem because noise will happen out in the boonies, too.

These big wigs and police need to accept the problems and change in society and realize they need to change as well.

I know I just went off on a tangent, but I really hope that someone can see my point. If not, I stand alone.

Aaron Davis
criminal justice junior


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