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Check the facts

Coachs résumé slip up honest mistake, but institutions should do homework before hiring

Everyone makes mistakes, but MSU officials should check résumés better before making hiring decisions. While assistant men’s basketball coach Mark Montgomery doesn’t necessarily need a degree from MSU to do his job, athletics officials should have know he didn’t when they gave him a job.

Montgomery played for MSU from 1989 to 1992 and went on to play professionally in Europe. Following an assistant coaching stint at Central Michigan University, he became an assistant coach at MSU in 2001.

The revelation that Montgomery did not receive his degree comes after a Detroit News report published Wednesday. Montgomery told The State News he was unaware he had not earned his degree until a reporter called him regarding the issue.

Athletics director Ron Mason said MSU officials had no reason to check Montgomery’s résumé because head coach Tom Izzo saw him walk at his graduation ceremony.

The discrepancy isn’t that surprising knowing that MSU has a policy of letting people walk even though they have not completed all required credits.

Just because Izzo saw Montgomery walk across the stage, it didn’t necessarily mean he had completed his graduation requirements.

This type of action leads us to question the credentials of not only MSU’s hiring process, but also Central Michigan’s - not checking Montgomery’s records thoroughly says a lot about both universities’ credibility.

It is the responsibility of public institutions to thoroughly check the backgrounds of all job candidates - to not do so is poor management and a disservice to those who fund the schools.

Marcy Weston, Central Michigan’s senior associate athletics director, said when the university received Montgomery’s résumé she assumed that it was correct.

“We pretty much took their word for it, as I think was a common practice at many institutions,” Weston said.

That’s not a good excuse.

MSU leaders should be even more embarrassed because Montgomery attended this university. Spartan officials had easy access to all of his records.

If a reporter in Detroit can uncover facts about Montgomery’s degree status, why can’t the university?

Whether it be a high-profile position or a position that garners no attention at all, hiring practices should not be taken this lightly.

MSU athletics leaders made a bonehead move by not doing their jobs while in the hiring process.

MSU, Central Michigan and all other public institutions should re-examine their hiring practices, to ensure they check job applicants’ credentials. This shouldn’t happen again.


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