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Capitol checks

Congress shouldnt give Bush OK to declare war, government should work together to down Iraq

It looks as though the possibility of the United States launching an attack on Iraq is inevitable as Congress prepares to authorize President Bush “to use all means that he determines to be appropriate, including force, in order to defend the national security interests of the United States against the possible threat of Iraq.”

Capitol Hill is giving in to this war-mongering president and threating world security. Bush’s nonstop campaign against Iraq could pose a serious threat to the very foundation for which our nation is founded.

The United States is governed by a system of checks and balances - a system the Bush administration is trying to circumvent while Congress turns a blind eye as to not appear unpatriotic.

Iraq has given into the United Nation’s push to allow weapons inspectors into the country. America should give Iraq the chance to comply to the measure by the October deadline before taking action.

Allowing the commander-in-chief to call all the shots before declaring war is a risk to the nation because it shows the president’s strong hold on Congress could go further than conflicts with Iraq.

Although the proposed resolution addresses only Iraq, still some fear that the broad language used in the resolution gives too much leeway for Bush.

What happens when Iraq is gone. Who’s next? Will Capitol Hill allow the president to go to war country by country like a game of Risk?

Sen. Chuck Hagel, R-Neb., said on ABC’s “This Week” it is important to define guidelines in the resolution because it will be a basis for Bush to lead the nation, possibly to war.

What Congress needs to do now is keep Bush from pushing extreme measures. Congress holds the constitutional power to declare war, not the president.

The White House hopes to get the legislation passed before the Nov. 5 general election. And Bush wants the United States to push the U.N. Security Council to secure a ban on weapons of mass destruction, according The Associated Press.

While the president is right to continue his anti-terrorism campaign to protect the country, he should not start unprovoked and unsupported wars to serve the cause. And Congress should not let him.


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