Saturday, September 21, 2024

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Alert state

Although nation is put on code-orange alert, Americans should not fear for countrys safety

A year after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, America is on the highest security alert it has experienced under the new homeland security department’s codes

Although the country is on a heightened state of security awareness, Americans should not fear for their safety and go on with their daily lives normaly.

On Monday, the Bush administration raised the country’s terror alert to code orange - the second-highest state of alert on the five-level, color-coded system. Code orange calls for government officials to take extra precautions at public events and the coordination of military personal.

Code orange can be likened to a tornado watch. While most don’t run to their basements immediately hearing about the weather alert, many become more aware of television and radio reports to monitor the situation.

Orange does not mean danger, it just means pay attention.

The government’s alert system is another reminder of how we will never have the feeling of security as did before Sept. 11, 2001. While that might be true, we cannot let it deter us from our normal lives.

It is our only worry that higher terror alert codes, such as orange, are used so much that it has no meaning.

If the country continues to be on orange alert for months on end after it has been on yellow since it was formed this year, Americans will forget the code’s implications.


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