Saturday, September 21, 2024

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A day of healing

Nation takes time to mourn, reflect, carry on American way of life

No one needs to be reminded what this day means. Yet wherever we look today, those reminders will be there.

This was the day, one year ago, a generation’s innocence was shattered by the worst terrorist attacks on U.S. soil. It didn’t matter where we were - New York, Washington, Pennsylvania, campus - we all felt it.

And we’ll never forget.

But this is a day most of us probably would rather not remember. It’s a day of pain, sadness and fear.

Today, with images and sounds of that day in every newspaper and on every television, we’ll mourn again.

We’ll feel the same uncertainty and have the same questions, too.

On a day when all many want to do is reflect, we also will have to watch over our shoulders. Monday, Attorney General John Ashcroft raised the nation’s terrorist alert level to “high risk.” It’s a day to be wary and cautious, as well as reflective.

Although the memories and the pain of that Sept. 11 feel as fresh today as they did a year ago, we can heal. Our nation is strong, and today we are united in support of each other.

Today we might find ourselves doing the same things we were doing a year ago; we’ll go to work or class, spend time with our family and friends. But it’s important, too, for each of us to step outside of our daily routine for a time of reflection.

Some might use that time to go to worship, others will attend special activities on campus.

Still others might use the time for themselves, to take a walk and think of how this day has personally affected them and the nation.

No matter how you choose to cope with today, take a moment to remember the thousands of lives lost. Remember their lasting legacy.

Remember the freedoms we enjoy in this country. Remember the safety that has been secured for us. Remember that fear, hate and evil can never conquer all. And remember you are not alone in your suffering.

More importantly, remember there is still life to live.


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