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Saving our Sparty

New plans for replacing aging Sparty great, deciding where to store him later troubling

Ceramics experts have given Sparty an ominous diagnosis - he only has eight years to live if his lifestyle doesn’t change soon.

But help is on the way for MSU’s terra-cotta icon, believed to be the world’s tallest free-standing ceramic statue. Plans now are underway for “The Spartan” to be saved by moving it inside from its spot overlooking the Red Cedar River, MSU officials told The State News. Near its location, the university plans to erect a bronze version of MSU’s famous mascot.

And the statue’s previous home also will benefit from renovations. A long-overdue plan to redo the intersection at Sparty is in the works.

All Spartans should be thankful this work of art will be saved from the elements that have been destroying it. Now, MSU officials must begin raising money for the new statue and also find a suitable place to display the university’s original Sparty.

The ceramic Sparty should be placed in a venue where he is easily accessible so everyone can marvel in the glory and history of one of MSU’s most distinguished symbols. It’s possible the Main Library, the MSU Museum or even the Administration Building could serve as such a location - at least temporarily.

But perhaps the best place for Sparty hasn’t yet been constructed. MSU needs a new student-activity building near the center of campus. The university’s current facilities simply don’t meet the needs of many student groups, and don’t provide the place for on-campus weekend activities.

A new IM building and multicultural center also are needed, and these are the types of locations that offer the best place for Sparty because of the constant influx of students.

It’s important that Sparty not be forgotten in some dusty warehouse. He should continue to stand proud and tall in a new protected home.

The Sparty we all know and love must be placed somewhere safe to remain an icon for future generations of Spartans. And while we continue to pay homage to our favorite Sparty, a new, stronger statue can stand tall near the Red Cedar River for many years to come.


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