Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Organization, students take steps against theft

Law enforcement officials are reminding motorists to keep an eye open for potential thieves as they return to East Lansing.

A spokesperson from Help Eliminate Auto Thefts, an auto-theft prevention group, said cars are at greater risk as students sometimes forget auto safety when moving into area residences.

English freshman Katie Behringer said she has heard stories about items missing during move-in week. She said she decided not to take any chances with her Honda Civic as she settled into her Yakeley Hall dorm room.

“I’m really paranoid about break-ins,” Behringer said.

East Lansing police Sgt. Mike Phillips said students have a reason to be concerned with thousands of students moving into the area this month. Heightened awareness, he said, is key to keeping students’ belongings safe.

Locking doors and storing items out of view are safeguards against thieves, Phillips said.

“Anytime you have a lot of cars sitting in one area, there’s an opportunity,” he added.

Off-campus resident Krista Chambers said her roommate found out that lesson the hard way when her wallet showed up missing from her vehicle.

With more people back in East Lansing, the journalism senior said she feels less safe than during the summer. “There’s a stretch of people wanting to party so you gotta watch your stuff,” she said.

Phillips said about 20 people have reported items stolen from their cars this week, and the East Lansing Police Department has apprehended one man suspected for stealing out of automobiles.

Caroline Jeffs, a spokeswoman for the theft prevention program said, says her group also offers tips on keeping autos safe, such as etching vehicle license numbers on all windows to ward off thieves, Jeffs said.

“We try to get people to remember the simple things to keep them safe,” she said.

Contact Help Eliminate Auto Thefts at (800) 242-4328 to report tips regarding auto theft in Michigan.


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