Thursday, December 19, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!

Downtown goes upscale

August 28, 2002
Business and marketing freshman Kelly Dresser, left, talks with zoology freshman Kirsten Aird over dinner Saturday at Cosi.

Every year, students flood East Lansing as classes begin, and stores and restaurants welcome them with open arms. Welcome Week is punctuated by students heading to bars and house parties, looking for friends, fun and fraternization.

But look again.

Instead of the seedy, back-alley pizza and beer bar, plush couches and a 12-item appetizer list have taken its place - along with an hefty price hike.

Instead of the locally owned bagel shop, a national chain with a brightly checkered interior is selling vegetable chips and balsamic vinaigrette dressing.

When did we get so


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