Saturday, September 21, 2024

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Research before voting necessary

Kristofer Karol, in his column “Being patriotic means more than buying a flag; public displays infuriating,” (SN 7/11), raises an excellent point about “false” patriots. Karol correctly stated that waving an American flag or attending a parade are not true demonstrations of patriotism.

But, patriotism runs even deeper than he acknowledges. Simply exercising your right to vote makes you no more patriotic than the flag-waving American next door. With the right to vote comes the responsibility to be informed. Americans who vote should be familiar with current affairs, understand the issues, and know the positions of the candidates. Too many people fail to prepare themselves and blindly select candidates based on name recognition or the typical last-minute media frenzy of commercials. Rights demand responsibility and voting is no different.

Personally, I would rather have irresponsible citizens stay home and wave their flags than in the voting booth making ignorant choices. In the words of Adlai E. Stevenson Jr., “Patriotism is not a short and frenzied outburst of emotion but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime.”

Steve Sutton
1988 graduate


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