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Expanding space

Bar deserves a chance to add onto location, alcohol abuse not result of too many locales

Buffalo Wild Wings may face some unexpected opposition to its seemingly innocent proposal to expand its Albert Avenue location.

In recent months, the East Lansing City Council has pushed an effort to reduce the number of seats in downtown available at businesses serving alcohol.

The hope seems to be that reducing the supply of downtown bars will lead to more responsible drinking.

The city’s not wrong in wanting to change the perception of downtown as a watering hole for college students.

City planners have been able to attract more upscale restaurants that serve alcohol and have pushed alcohol education for all liquor establishments.

But the lines outside bars such as Buffalo Wild Wings show a demand still exists for less-formal watering holes.

And as long as established East Lansing bars and restaurants take a responsible approach to serving alcohol and have a clean record, the city should allow those businesses to grow.

The proposed expansion to the bar and grill would add 2,150 square feet and 111 seats, surpassing its former location on M.A.C Avenue in size.

While reducing the number of seats at downtown establishments that serve alcohol may reduce the number of alcohol-related problems in the heart of the city, it doesn’t address the larger problems with alcohol.

Instead, people who would go downtown will choose to go elsewhere or stay at home to drink, simply moving the problems associated with alcohol to a different area.

The right approach for East Lansing is a balanced one.

The city should try to attract upscale dining to help change the image of the downtown, but it shouldn’t force out existing, responsible businesses in the process.

All businesses should be allowed to thrive in the downtown, and those that have routinely followed the rules should certainly be able to grow.


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