Saturday, September 21, 2024

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Depleted reserves

National blood stores are horribly depleted, citizens should plan on making a trip to give

The long lines at blood drives that became common after Sept. 11 have dwindled and raised concerns about the country’s supply. Fewer people are turning out to donate blood, and the nation is on the verge of facing a shortage.

In these post-Sept. 11 days, it seems people are seeing less reason to donate blood.

While it was essential to donate after the terrorist attacks and people turned out in droves, many don’t see their donations as being as important.

But the need for blood hasn’t gone away just because the debris from the World Trade Center and Pentagon have been cleared.

It was patriotic to give blood in the weeks following Sept. 11, but why is it no longer seen that way? We haven’t experienced any more attacks of that magnitude, but it doesn’t mean a daily need isn’t there - all the time.

Saving the life of a fellow human being should be just as patriotic now as it was in September.

It is up to everyone to try and support the health and well-being of the American public. Though most citizen’s lives are incredibly busy, an hour of time every now and again can help a lot.

It comes down to being thinking of others before oneself. While it may not be pleasant to think of those in dire medical-need of blood, there has to be a motivation to give.

There are worries at hospitals across the nation - including in Michigan - that those who need surgery and other blood-related treatments may be turned away because there isn’t enough blood to go around.

Although having a needle stuck in your arm may not the best way to beat the heat this summer, you just might save a life.


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