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Columnist wrong, Pledge change bad

This letter is in response to Drew Harmon’s column, “Pledge decision correct to eliminate religion, being American not about God” (SN 7/3).

When I first saw the title of the column I had to laugh, because it is the typical liberal opinion that The State News shoves down our throats. I figured I would read it and get a good laugh at how absurd Harmon could be in his writing.

What I found instead was myself growing more and more disgusted and angry about the content as I read. The first thing that bothered me was Harmon’s line that he is disturbed with what he calls, the “with us or against us attitude” going around in this country.

Disturbed? Why would you be disturbed by that?

Apparently, he wants to make nice with murderers. “Let’s not cause any controversy now.” What a typical liberal attitude.

All I ask of Harmon is to remember the feelings going through him when he watched the second plane crash into the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, or better yet, watch it again only to remind yourself of what these terrorists did to us.

Are you with us now? Hopefully you’re disturbed by that. My second point is not only a disagreement I have with Harmon, but with anyone who supports the removal of “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Why are you so offended by those two words?

What are you afraid of? I find it hard to believe that all these people who are screaming and yelling about it are really that mad.

I think they just like the attention. But if they truly are offended, their arguments come up short.

Their only argument is that the Constitution calls for a separation of church and state.

Well, they had better read the Constitution again. The Constitution says that the government will not establish a state mandated religion. So tell me, what religion does the phrase ‘under God’ establish? Personally, I don’t think it establishes a religion. I think it is a general phrase in which any one person can apply their own God to it. Another thing is, why are we always catering to the minority in this country. Probably 95 percent of people in this country don’t want those words removed. Yet we find ourselves listening to the insignificant 5 percent of people who don’t like it. What a joke. I’m sick of all the whiners in America. If don’t like the pledge, then don’t say it. It’s a free country. Nobody is forcing you to say it. But I will continue to say it.

Casey Bissot
Jackson resident


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