Saturday, September 21, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!

Warning pointless, prevent at source

MSU students recently received an e-mail from MSU’s Vice President for Student Affairs and Services, Lee June, entitled “Personal Safety Reminder.” The e-mail was in reaction to the attempted rape of a womyn in her home that was in the news a few weeks ago.

Statements contained in the letter, such as “don’t walk alone at night,” are infuriating. Womyn are always being reminded to restrict our lives and behavior. I am tired of being told to be scared that a man is going to jump out of the bushes and rape me if I dare to venture outside without a chaperone or a large group of friends to protect me. It’s just plain insulting.

Rape happens constantly, but the kind of attack that June addressed happens much less frequently. Why should we limit our lives by hiding inside after dark? It just doesn’t make sense, as womyn are much more likely to be raped by someone we trust, like a father, brother, male friend or acquaintance.

I found it interesting that the e-mail never once spoke out against the attack that happened, or against any rape.

How about instead of “don’t walk alone at night, always keep your shades down and don’t put your first name on the mailbox,” say something like, “We condemn the attack that happened, rape is a terrible crime, never touch someone if they don’t want to be touched or are unresponsive.”

Jennifer Dunn
women’s studies junior


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