Saturday, September 21, 2024

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Summer parking needs improvement

If parking isn’t already bad enough on MSU’s campus, it’s worse for the students taking summer classes. The CATA bus line does not service campus during the summer, making it difficult for students to park in the parking lots without having a long walk or bike ride to class.

I’m a student in my last year and my classes are within the Business College Complex. I use the commuter lot, during the fall and spring semesters and have no complaints. I have never been one to complain about parking, however the parking situation during summer session has made me enraged with the MSU Department of Police and Public Safety.

I have found it a financial burden to attend summer classes. Not only do I have to pay for tuition and books, but also meters and fees for parking in the Wharton Center ramp when I’ve already bought a parking pass. I know I don’t stand alone when I say I don’t exactly have the money to pay to park in a ramp or lot every day for four or more hours since summer classes are longer and more frequent.

I hope the university can work with the students attending summer classes by opening up more affordable parking.

I feel that with the small amount of students on campus during the summer, this should not be a problem.

Tracy Murley
marketing junior


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