Saturday, September 21, 2024

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Recruitment plans

University could do plenty to encourage LBGT students to find their way to Spartans

MSU officials believe lesbian, bisexual, gay and transgender students are attracted to the university because of its open community and a welcoming atmosphere that allows for diversity in all varieties.

But the university is making a mistake in not actively recruiting these students to campus.

An increasing number of elite colleges is doing just that, targeting LBGT students at special conferences, group meetings and in their regular admissions mailing materials. Officials at these schools say attracting LBGT students to their campuses helps prepare the student body to enter the diverse workforce.Some schools may go as far as including a place in application forms for students to declare their sexuality, much like how students check a box for race now.

There are many questions that need to be worked out about how that information would be used before such measures go forward, but active recruiting and promoting a university’s welcoming environment are important steps to take.

Potential students should not have to wait until they’re accepted and come to campus to learn about support groups available on campus.

Universities, including MSU, should make sure to address issues important to students who are racial and social minorities in general admissions material.

LBGT students, students with disabilities and students who are racial or ethnic minorities should have their questions about campus answered in the same material that goes to all prospective students. Simply knowing the groups are available will encourage expression of difference.

University officials have made an important step in sending out information to gay-straight alliances and other groups, but that material won’t reach high school students who haven’t come out or those who go to school at places without a supportive network for LBGT students. An effort, from any university, to reach those people will aid in the move to increase acceptance on campuses for students everywhere.

In the same spirit as the thousands of people who will be visiting downtown Lansing this weekend for Michigan Pride, MSU needs to make sure it announces to the world it welcomes and is proud of its LBGT students.


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