Saturday, September 21, 2024

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Gas pipeline needs better placement

The recent natural gas pipeline accidents in East Lansing and the surrounding areas should offer a perfect example of why we need to get the Wolverine Pipe Line Co.’s gas pipeline out from under the streets and neighborhoods of Meridian Township and East Lansing and put it in the protected right-of-way along the highways of Interstate 96.

Both lines were located in populated areas and both lines were damaged due to construction work - the leading cause of recent pipeline accidents.

Knowing this, doesn’t it make sense to build a pipeline carrying hazardous materials away from residences and downtown city streets that see frequent construction?

The State News’ recent editorial about Wolverine Pipe Line Co.’s proposed pipeline (”Problem Pipes,” SN 5/30) spoke about how all sides should work together and come to a compromise about the route, with which I do agree.

All communities affected should be involved, and there should be compromises.

But that doesn’t mean that Lansing, the community that bears the shortest length of local pipeline (about 4 of 26 miles), and the only community questioning the route, should be able to kill the project when the six other communities affected believe that the proposed route along I-96 is the best choice of all the available options.

As we’ve seen in East Lansing, pipelines located in areas where there are frequent construction projects are likely to be struck and damaged.

Running a new line along the highly controlled and regulated I-96 right-of-way immensely reduces the chance of any problems due to construction.

Rob Kniss
interdisciplinary humanities senior


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