Saturday, September 21, 2024

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Forked tongues

Freedom necessary to adjust looks at will, split tongues fine if done by professionals

It may leave us scratching our heads in wonder, but some people choose to take drastic steps to alter their bodies. And, although many like us are puzzled, they should have the right to do so as long as overarching health risks aren’t involved.

That’s why a risky procedure such as tongue splitting - a body modification that creates a sort of reptilian forked tongue - should be heavily regulated. But legislation proposed by Rep. William Callahan, D-St. Clair Shores, to prohibit tongue splitting would go too far.

The procedure is risky and poses the possibility of side effects such as infection, uncontrolled bleeding and speech impediments, and such a risky procedure should come with guidelines to ensure a medical professional is conducting this surgical-style technique.

Tongue splitting is not a simple matter like a tattoo or a piercing and should be treated as a serious medical procedure. If anything is to be done, tongue splitting should have regulations and be performed only by trained professionals, much like any other surgical procedure.

People have the right to express themselves how they choose, and it is up to them to deal with the consequences of their actions.

In general, it is not the government’s place to make judgments on what people want to do to their own body.

While it can - and should - watch out for health and safety concerns facing the public, the actions it takes should directly address those.

In cases such as this, attacking the root cause is not the best manner to serve the public, and that needs to be held at the forefront of any decision.

Although confusing to many of us, people will continue to alter their bodies in ways that most would never consider.

If not by a trained and certified professional, then certainly by someone much worse for the job.


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