Saturday, September 21, 2024

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Bikes continue to cause frustrations

My comments are in regard to the recent letters about MSU students’ and visitors’ impounded (or stolen, depending on who you’re talking to) bikes.

What exactly is the point of registering a bike? I agree with the suggestion for warning flags for suspected abandoned bikes - a practice that used to be practiced quite readily when bikes were impounded.

And why the $2 charge for registration? The city of East Lansing does fine without charging anything for anyone who wishes to own a bike to register his or her vehicle.

It seems logical to me that the MSU Department of Police and Public Safety is just trying to create revenue for the school by charging to register bicycles, and then by impounding bikes and selling the unclaimed vehicles, bikes that are sometimes assumed to have been stolen, and therefore more than likely gone forever.

Just as most people assume the police would not take their property, they also believe chances are slim that it will be found if their bike is actually stolen.

The department’s behavior is laughable and borderline criminal, and is certainly an abuse of power.

Also, it is my opinion that the parking-meter people sometimes give tickets to cars that have less than five minutes left on the meter - they are trained to assume that the owner will not come back to his or her vehicle in time and that a ticket should be given.

More criminal behavior by our good old department, which has a charter “to protect and serve.” I feel so protected, and I definitely feel served.

Jason Stiltner
communication junior


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