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Dollar dilemma

Despite best intentions by people involved, loss of Spartan Village Elementary likely

The East Lansing School District is facing a dilemma. It must find a way to make up a $3.5 million budget deficit.

But to help do so, school officials could choose to close Spartan Village Elementary, acclaimed for its diverse student population. The move would cut an estimated $430,000 from the district budget.

It is a shame to put the unique education offered at Spartan Village Elementary at risk, but it appears it could be a necessary one - unless officials and community members can find a creative way to save that much money. School officials are set to vote on the budget May 28, and plan to hammer out details at a May 21 work session.

The reaction and support shown by residents for the school is amazing. It is great to see so many people proposing money-making tips to help keep the school open. It is clear residents would like to see the school stay open because of the traditional place it holds in the community and the unique environment that students enjoy there.. By encouraging the district to find alternate funding, residents have shown their support for not just a building, but a center for learning.

Certainly, losing a school is one of the toughest decisions a district can face - and unfortunately East Lansing has faced it three times in the past 20 years. But while so many are seeking to support Spartan Village Elementary, everyone involved also must remember that, in these tight times, all governmental bodies must make tough decisions to balance its budget.

No matter what officials do, the school district can try to do everything possible to recreate the diversity of Spartan Village in its other schools. The programs, teachers and students at the elementary school do much to increase cultural awareness and diversity and could be a positive addition to other buildings.

We should also remember that if officials are forced to closed the elementary, we are not losing the students, but only a building. And as long as district officials use the opportunity to support Spartan Village Elementary’s unique characteristics elsewhere, its legacy will always live on.


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