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Weingarden elected ASMSU Student Assembly leader

April 22, 2002

The ASMSU Student Assembly leader who holds the gavel and conducts meetings was elected to the assembly’s 39th session, but it wasn’t a unanimous decision.

Matt Weingarden immediately took over the duties of Student Assembly chairperson last week after the majority of the assembly voted in his favor.

“I was obviously really excited,” said Weingarden, who will continue in the position for the 2002-03 session. “And at the same time I realized I had not been elected unanimously, so I understand that I have a lot of work to do to be the best leader I can be.”

Weingarden, a junior, has been involved with ASMSU since his freshman year, and was Student Assembly internal vice chairperson for the 2001-02 year. Weingarden also is a former co-chairperson of the Alliance of Lesbian-Bi-Gay-Transgendered and Straight Ally Students.

Members deliberated about the four applicants for about two and a half hours in a meeting not open to the public. Members voted by secret ballot when the meeting opened up to the public.

Weingarden will lead assembly members in making decisions on how to spend more than $1 million of student tax dollars every year.

The position pays $1,050 for 10 hours per week during the summer, and $2,100 for 20 hours per week during the fall and spring semesters.

In Weingarden’s 15-minute presentation at the meeting, he said he’d like the majority of the assembly to be made up of average students.

“In the history of ASMSU, students have never been the fundamental focus,” he said. “Now’s time to change.”

Several non-Student Assembly members who attended the meeting commented that former Student Assembly Chairperson Quinn Wright and College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Student Assembly Rep. Charles Beachnau were the more qualified applicants.

Bryan Newland, North American Indian Student Organization member, also applied for the position.

Although Dan Bennett, ASMSU’s director of legislative affairs, supports Weingarden because he was elected, he said Beachnau was the better candidate because he’s always talking to his college’s constituents.

“There’s a big difference between office politics, and being out in a classroom talking to students,” Bennett said.

Student Assembly College of Natural Science Rep. Missy Kushlak said she voted for Weingarden because he is dedicated and knows the history of the organization.

“We need to become more respected,” she said. “He talked about empowering the reps, and we need to make ASMSU a more respected student government where we can serve the students. I think he can do it.”

Assembly members will elect the final four assembly leadership positions Thursday. Student Assembly internal vice chairperson, external vice chairperson, Funding Board chairperson and Programming Board chairperson are open to all undergraduate students.


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