Saturday, September 21, 2024

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Rich ropes

With ASMSU facing financial woes, it doesnt make sense to spend thousands on ropes course

It’s a nice thought for the ASMSU Student Assembly to approve pay for a ropes challenge course on campus. But the group has yet to explain where the $50,000 it will cost to build the course will come from.

Just last month, a student referendum failed to increase the undergraduate student government’s semesterly tax from $13 to $16.

ASMSU officials said they asked for the increase to pay for increasing contractual costs and provide more money for the Programming and Funding boards - which ran out of money for student groups before spring break.

Either ASMSU asked students to dig deeper into their pockets when they didn’t need to, or the group is behaving childishly in spending money it doesn’t have.

ASMSU Student Assembly Chairperson Quinn Wright said the group would have to tighten its belt on future financial endeavors if the referendum failed. Instead, leaders plan on dipping into the ASMSU risk management fund, which was designated for emergencies, such as budgetary shortfalls and lawsuits against the organization.

The only foreseeable budgetary shortfall will be after the group finances this project. Building a ropes course just doesn’t seem urgent or necessary enough for ASMSU to use its rainy day money. Hopefully, the group won’t face a real emergency in the next year.

On top of everything, the vote comes when many of ASMSU’s officials are preparing to end their terms and can’t be held accountable for their actions - an irresponsible move.

ASMSU needs to hire people who know how to handle money, because current group members continue to spend it like 8-year-olds in a candy store.


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