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Association picked wrong fight in criticizing advertisement that featured college mascots

Instead of criticizing MSU and Anheuser-Busch Inc. for joining forces for commercial time slots during the NCAA men’s and women’s basketball tournaments, the American Medical Association should be commending the two organizations for sending a positive message.

Sparty, along with seven other well-recognized college mascots, appeared in a 30-second commercial sponsored by Anheuser-Busch and the National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges to promote responsible alcohol consumption.

The commercial begins by focusing on a basketball coach who is giving his off-camera squad a pep talk.

“The way you celebrate says a lot about you,” he says. “So keep up the good work. Being responsible, respecting the law, celebrating safely - it’s all about having a good head on your shoulders.”

The camera then turns attention to the team - a group of mascots, with Sparty seated as the centerpiece.

The AMA, which promotes limits on alcohol advertising, is critical of the popular St. Louis-based brewery for advertising during college events and the college association for partnering up with the beer-maker. The association represents 203 schools, including all Big Ten institutions.

The medical association’s stance is colleges should rethink their stance on their partnership with beer-makers such as Anheuser-Busch because they manufacture “a product that we know is producing problems on college campuses.”

The AMA is fighting for the wrong cause.

MSU and other members of the college association should be applauded along with companies such as Anheuser-Busch, which promote responsible drinking.

Yes, there are many problems that can be attributed to alcohol. But alcohol is not the problem. The people who misuse it are.

Alcohol manufacturers such as Anheuser-Busch have a duty to their consumers to promote the responsible use of their products.

Beer and other alcoholic beverages are legal for people who are at least 21 years old to consume in the United States. Anheuser-Busch and its competitors are not wrong to engage in legal marketing activities.

“Don’t drink” and “just say no” advertising campaigns just don’t work. And it is ridiculous to think otherwise. It didn’t work during the Prohibition era and it isn’t working now.

The mascot commercial was witty and entertaining - that is what people pay attention to. It’s nice to see Anheuser-Busch apply the clever advertising tactics it uses to sell its products to sell the responsible use of them along with it.

Cheers to Sparty, the college association and Anheuser-Busch for not continuing to ignore the problems that come along with drinking and becoming a part of the solution.


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