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Political cartoon was distasteful, offensive

The political cartoonist who thought it would be hilarious to connect the Supreme Court ruling regarding child pornography with the Catholic Church (SN 4/18) needs to be given a lesson about what is funny and ironic and what is just plain offensive.

After that lesson, Nate Allen should be locked in a small, dark room where he can draw as many distasteful cartoons as he likes without offending anyone.

There’s a difference between pushing the envelope and just plain being bigoted. Where does Allen get off mocking an entire religion? When did it become OK to take the admittedly disgraceful and disgusting acts committed by a few and use them to describe an entire population?

This same reasoning leads to the horrible generalizations that all Mormons practice polygamy, or that all who follow Islam are terrorists. Following that line of thinking, one could argue that Lorena Bobbitt was a woman, therefore all women must be knife-wielding castrators.

I am disappointed this cartoon was drawn, but far more disappointed it was allowed to be printed.

Suzi DiBiasio
theater freshman


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