Saturday, September 21, 2024

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Library for studying,

For those of you who go to the Main Library the week before finals, sit at the computers for hours and download movies and MP3s - listen up, this one’s for you.

This also is for those of you who sit at a computer and talk on Instant Messenger, hang out on the eBay Web site, or leave your bag at the computer cubical and think your bag somehow signifies ownership of that particular computer.

The week before finals is crucial to the whole semesters worth of work.

Projects are due, presentations need to be perfected, papers need to be written and exams studied for.

What I cannot figure out, however, is why people are so compelled to go to the library basically to take up space.

When I think of relaxation and leisure time, especially during finals, I don’t think, “Hey, I am going to go to the Main Library.”

But, so many Spartans do and I just don’t get it.

I was at the library this week during the evening and a girl was at a computer terminal with Instant Messenger on, basically wasting time and space.

What really irritated me was my group and I had to wait about half an hour to get on a computer because the library was packed.

This girl left her school bag and purse sitting at the computer, as if her belongings are somehow going to ward off evil students who need the computers to get actual work done.

She left and didn’t come back for about 35 minutes. At some point, this girl is going to get her stuff ripped off, and then report it in the State News police briefs.

Hopefully those of you targeted in this letter will get a clue.

Shelley Willems
advertising junior


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