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Greeks subject to discrimination, bias

This is in response to Scott Szymendera’s letter to the editor (“Fraternity members’ right to act dumb,” SN 4/15), and his comment that the recent actions of Pi Kappa Phi is a “disgusting reminder of the moronic antisocial behavior that is all too common in the MSU greek system.”

I would like to ask what Szymendera is basing his opinion on? Is it the headlines of The State News or the top story of WLNS? If it is, I guess you have something to base your opinion on. But if you buy into everything The State News portrays or WLNS reports, then you are the moron.

Let’s start with Monday’s State News headline “Greek, LBGT clashes continue.” If I’m not mistaken, the MSU greek system isn’t clashing with the lesbian, bisexual, gay and transgender community. It’s a few members of one fraternity who do not represent the greek community as a whole and I’m sure do not represent every member in Pi Kappa Phi.

What about the one paragraph on page 6A that covered the extremely hard work of greek members who raised about $60,000 for charity. The State News decided to not even write about hundreds of greek members helping the Area 8 Special Olympics on Friday or that more than 1,000 greeks went out Saturday morning to perform community service all over Lansing.

The State News wasn’t at my fraternity house when it was spray-painted with comments such as “We buy our friends” and “Frat fags.” The issue here is that discrimination, hate, and stereotyping are still a part of today’s society.

Whether it’s someone who hates greeks because they dress too nice for an 8 a.m. class, or hates a gay person because of his or her sexual preference, it offends people.

That is what the “disgusting reminder” is, not your petty opinions about greeks.

David VanKerckhove
criminal justice junior


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