Saturday, September 21, 2024

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About time

After a wave of sexual abuse allegations, its important for the Pope, Catholic leaders to talk

Although it’s been almost four months since a sexual abuse scandal in the American Catholic Church began sweeping across the nation, the leader of the Roman Catholic Church finally has summoned American cardinals to the Vatican to discuss the issue.

Pope John Paul II’s invitation is better late than never. The pontiff has spoken only briefly of the scandals and has been rightfully criticized for showing a lack of leadership during his church’s time of crisis.

It is right for the Pope to take initiative in addressing the cloud that has cast a dark shadow over the church.

While it is virtually unforgivable for the church to have covered up such abuse allegations, such as in the case of the original Boston priest whose allegations began a wave of accusations, it seems the organization is learning from this grave mistake. That is a positive light in a web of negativity.

Since January, the Boston Archdiocese has provided prosecutors with the names of almost 80 priests accused of sexually abusing children during the past 40 years.

And countless numbers of priests across America are either stepping down or being removed from their positions because of similar charges, which, in some cases, date back decades.

The recent papal summons is yet another measure that can heal the hurting church. The meeting probably will take place next week.

While the Catholic Church remains in the spotlight of sexual scandal, it is important to keep things in perspective. Though the list of accused pedophile priests is long, it does not mean all priest are molesters, nor are all Catholics. Many fathers, grandfathers and family friends have been put on trial for molesting children throughout history.

The problem permeates society much deeper than the church cases. We all need a little healing. Those responsible for the cause should not go unpunished.


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