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Rogers receives Teamster support

March 19, 2002
Congressman Mike Rogers, R-Brighton, accepts the endorsements of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters during a press conference Monday at the Capitol. Teamsters political director Chuck Harple said Rogers was the best person for the working people of Michigan.

Lansing - The Teamsters endorsed Republican Rep. Mike Rogers in his 2002 campaign for re-election to U.S. Congress - a rare move for a union.

“What this means is that the Democrats have not cornered the market when it comes to labor unions,” Rogers, R-Brighton, said at the Monday announcement. “It means Teamsters and Rogers believe the best government program is to give someone a job and a paycheck.”

Although it is unusual for a union to endorse a GOP candidate, the Teamsters are somewhat of an exception to the rule.

“In local politics, they have a tradition of being pragmatic,” said Robert Banks, an MSU business professor. “It seems unusual, but there’s a history that makes it not at all unusual.”

Banks, whose research interests include labor organizations and the labor market, described a case in Seattle when the Teamsters endorsed three of the mayoral candidates.

“When asked about it, they said it was simple - they didn’t want to back a loser,” Banks said.

Ed Sarpolus of EPIC/MRA, a Lansing-based polling group, agreed the Teamsters has a noted history of breaking rank and endorsing Republicans.

“They recognize the need to have friends on both sides of the aisle,” Sarpolus said, “and it’s a safe endorsement, because no Democrat is going to win in that seat.”

Because of redistricting, Sarpolus explained, the chance for a Democrat to win against Rogers is slim.

As of November, new district lines were drawn for state House, Senate and Congress.

“The Republicans drew that line to ensure his victory,” Sarpolus said.

Chuck Harple, Teamsters political director said although Rogers is a freshman representative, his record so far has been good.

“We look toward the future as well as the past record,” Harple said. “He’s honest, upfront and direct, and he was one of the few to call and ask, ‘What can I do for you?’”

Harple said the Teamsters is looking to build a “Teamsters majority.”

“A lot of politics is partisan,” he said.

“We are bottom-up - the local unions tell us who they want to endorse. Our bottom line is to make the best decision for our union.”

Nate Engle, Vice-President of MSU College Democrats said he was disappointed with the Teamsters decision.

“We’re disappointed in the Teamsters decision to back Mike Rogers. He is not a friend of labor,” he said. “Democrats have continuously been friends of organized labor. The fact that we have not yet fielded a candidate has hurt us.”

Rogers won a close race against Democrat Dianne Byrum for the 8th Congressional District seat in 2000.


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