Friday, September 20, 2024

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Negotiation tactics wont help students

I am writing in response to Graduate Employees Union President Jessica Goodkind’s letter (“Union will do what it takes for contract,” SN 3/13).

The union says it wants undergraduates to have the best education opportunities; but it supports asking undergraduates to skip classes. Undergraduates are here for their education, not to get teaching assistants a better contract. Missing a class for them can be more detrimental than your plight to get a few more dollars each month.

I don’t support the union and think this is really a minority representing a majority of people who don’t want the union. The so-called negotiating tactics that have been used so far have shown to be fairly poorly attended and have a very negative tone to them.

Instead of working so hard to be angry with the administration and have groups stage undergraduate protests, why not continue to work hard in the classroom and show the administration what it is we really do? With better direction, better methods of working to negotiate a contract and a more positive attitude, you might find the union more warmly accepted.

You do attract more flies with honey than vinegar. Just something to keep in mind as you continue to do whatever it takes to force the administration to listen to you.

Matt Mitroka
geography graduate student


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