Friday, September 20, 2024

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Making strides

Unanimous approval of U.N resolution shows efforts to help create peace in Middle East

The United States took a huge leap toward working for a peaceful solution between Palestinians and Israelis by endorsing the idea of a Palestinian sovereign nation.

This is an important step if there is to be any hope of ending acts of terror and beginning the peacekeeping process.

The U.N. Security Council passed the resolution - which also called for an immediate cease-fire - 14-0, with only Syria abstaining from the vote because it said the idea was weak for not addressing Israeli occupation of Palestinian land.

This step is a remarkable and surprising one, considering the Bush administration has shown it wants to remain allies with Israel. Even so, Israel appears to be accepting of the resolution, and the Israeli Foreign Ministry praised the United States for insisting on the immediate halt of all terrorist acts.

There is a lot of work ahead of the United Nations and other political leaders before Palestinians can have their own nation, but the fact that the United States supports the idea definitely shows it can be done.

The resolution passed quickly, with both Palestinians and Israelis welcoming the idea.

In the past, the United States has said the only way to solve the problem is for Israelis and Palestinians to discuss the issues keeping them from being peaceful.

While the United States still feels the two sides need to have negotiations, identifying the idea that there should be a Palestinian state and leading this effort is very important. With U.S. support, this resolution could soon become reality.

The fact the resolution passed overwhelmingly shows the support of all the members of the council. With the United States backing them up, this resolution is possible.

Steps need to become strides to continue this resolution and to spread peace between Israelis and Palestinians.


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