Friday, September 20, 2024

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Horowitz speech gave generalizations

Reading of David Horowitz’s visit in The State News, I found it rather amusing he would toss generalizations as handily as he accuses the Black Student Alliance of doing the same (“Horowitz’s speech criticizes leftists, Black Student Alliance,” SN 3/22).

Since I have been going to MSU, I have never been told what political views to hold or whether affirmative action is right or wrong.

I would assume because professors won’t put forth a WASP (white, Anglo-Saxon Protestant) male outlook - which for some reason is considered more relevant by some than the 100 cultural views that exist in American society - some are offended.

If, because of this approach, professors are labeled liberal and un-American by the white male establishment, then one must only see them for what they are - trying to hold on to their civil rights. Freedom from oppression for those nonwhite and nonmales has eroded.

Horowitz may be seen for exactly what he is and what he is doing: Someone who is making a successful attempt at digging the scabs off wounds that are deep and horrid for minorities in this nation.

Brian Lapp
social work junior


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