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Good example

Now that U-M graduates have new contract, MSU should follow suit in its negotiations

MSU needs to follow the University of Michigan’s lead with its graduate contract settlement. Without holding an all-out strike, U-M administrators and the Graduate Employees Organization were able to come to an agreement.

U-M’s graduate union voted to ratify a new contract with the school, mostly dealing with wages and child care concerns.

For each child, members of the organization will receive a $1,700 child care grant - a $700 increase from the previous contract.

The contract also includes agreements on health benefits and wages for graduate employees.

Both sides in U-M negotiations gave up a little of their demands to achieve a compromise. This example shows that peaceful, productive negotiations can be accomplished.

MSU administrators and MSU’s Graduate Employees Union should take note of the U-M contract agreement and negotiate in good faith, or contract talks will be counterproductive and create new tensions between both sides.

Jessica Goodkind, president of MSU’s union, said her members are happy about the U-M contract.

Hopefully, the MSU administration and members of the graduate union took notes on how to productively resolve contract negotiations.

Ultimately, negotiating a contract should be about give and take.

While U-M union members said they did not receive all they asked for when it came to wages, the compromise allowed them to receive better child care benefits.

If MSU should learn anything from U-M negotiations, it’s that compromise is the answer in settling contract disputes.


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