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Detroits problems not from outsiders

It’s about time someone spoke up for Detroit. All MSU students can benefit from reading Tameria Warren’s recent column in defense of her hometown (“Don’t criticize Detroit if you’re not working to solve its problems,” SN 3/18).

I have always been fond of the city and the events it offers. It is heartbreaking to hear people criticize the city without having visited it or looking past the crime-ridden headlines in the news. True, Detroit has issues, but buried within these are gems that can save a city locked in a stereotype.

Although Warren explained why Detroit deserves a better reputation, she made a large mistake in accusing her readers of “adding to the problem” if we are not “contributing to the solution.” I am not personally picking up the litter on Woodward, but I am far from responsible for its existence.

One great solution many people overlook is the simple act of voting. Detroit has an extremely low voter turnout, and although it will collect taxes from employees who work in the city, it will not allow them to vote. In other words, Detroit is happy to take money, but not take suggestions from many people who care for the improvement of the city but do not live within its boundaries.

Don’t accuse the rest of us of adding to Detroit’s problem. Maybe our suggestions are just not being heard.

Ashley Weber
French junior


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