Friday, September 20, 2024

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Baby steps

Revisions to financial guidelines good move

ASMSU deserves kudos for taking a step in the right direction toward fixing its financial mishaps, but there’s still much more work to be done in light of budget problems of recent years.

The undergraduate student government approved a 22-page set of financial bylaws last week, updating the three-page document adopted in 1992. Members say the bylaws were revamped because they were too vague and didn’t give the organization enough direction about how money should be spent.

Additions include dividing any money not allocated to a specific department equally among ASMSU’s Programming Board, Funding Board and Special Projects account, and requiring bylaws be enforced unless waived by a unanimous vote in both the finance committee and Student Assembly.

The group sounds like it’s headed in the right direction, but we hope members aren’t mistaking quantity for quality. Just because the bylaws became 19 pages longer doesn’t mean all the issues have been solved, and it may actually make them more difficult to follow.

The document, while alleviating some procedural problems, still does not adequately money distribution guidelines. It seems distribution would be one of ASMSU’s main concerns, considering Funding Board ran out of money for registered student organizations less than halfway into the semester.

ASMSU can’t continue to provide money to groups on a first-come, first-serve basis because it prevents groups that hold events later in the semester from having a fair chance at receiving financial help - even if the event is more beneficial or educational to the campus community than those that received money earlier.

At the same time, student groups can’t expect ASMSU to provide all the money to cover their events. There are other ways of raising money, and it’s unfair to assume ASMSU has a never-ending bank account to dip into whenever organizations need the money.

ASMSU can’t please everyone all the time. There obviously isn’t enough money to make every student organization happy, so the money needs to be distributed fairly among groups.

It’s OK if organizations don’t get as much money as they had asked for, as long as ASMSU distributes as much money as it feels the group needs and follows its guidelines. ASMSU needs to work on bringing interesting and unique events to campus, even if they come later in the semester.

Perhaps the Funding and Programming boards could start by creating a timetable which would allow them to pace themselves in handing out money during the course of the semester.

ASMSU is working on chipping away at financial hardship, but it’s hard to believe members have been spending its money wisely. The only way the organization will be able to convince students of its financial responsibility is by setting specific guidelines that work to fix the problem.


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