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Why him?

Bringing extremist to campus doesnt represent interests of many students; funding unjustified

MSU’s undergraduate student government should better define its criteria for footing the bills that help bring public speakers to campus.

On Thursday, representatives from ASMSU’s Student Assembly engaged in more than an hour of heated debate concerning whether to allocate money to bring ultra-conservative extremist David Horowitz to campus in March to speak about his experiences with student activism.

In the end, it was agreed the organization would allot $2,948 for Horowitz’s appearance at MSU.

The University of California at Berkeley graduate’s extreme anti-affirmative actions and anti-reparation view have often been the centerpiece of many heated debates.

Last year, controversy arose after an ad that ran in numerous university newspapers outlining “Ten Reasons Why Reparations for Slavery is a Bad Idea - and Racist Too,” to promote Horowitz’s book “The Death of the Civil Rights Movement.”

The State News refused to run that advertisement.

Much of the ASMSU debate centered around whether Horowitz’s appearance would be something that could benefit the university as a whole.

An earlier decision by the group not to support a Black Student Celebratory, an event to honor select black graduates, was used as precedent for the argument against Horowitz.

ASMSU did not fund that event because it was not open to all students.

Horowitz’s appearance will be brought through the Young Americans for Freedom, a student activist group, whose event will be open to all students.

Despite the openness of the speech, Horowitz’s views do not appeal to a larger mass of individuals. His extreme views are only related to by a select few.

Because ASMSU has limited funds, it should concern itself with bringing more mass appealing speakers to campus.

If it is going to pay for one extreme side to speak it must pay for all extreme views to be heard. And it doesn’t have that kind of money.

In the future ASMSU should play by consistent rules for each event brought to them for sponsorship.


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