Friday, September 20, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!

Strangers kindness very appreciated

On Friday, my girlfriend was in a car accident near the corner of Service and Hagadorn roads. I drove by just a minute after the accident occurred.

When I got to the scene there was a group of students helping her. They used their cell phones to call the police, and checked to make sure she was all right.

I wasn’t able to get their names or thank them for their efforts. So, to those people who stopped and helped her on the way to class or back home or wherever: Thank you.

It is because of efforts like this that our university can stand tall after all of the bad press that we have received in the last few years.

She is doing fine, just a little sore. Again, I don’t think I can express my gratitude enough.

Conor Moore
2001 graduate


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