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Soda pop stop

Lawmakers attempt to ban carbonated drinks is out-of-touch with reality, time spent poorly

If some state health officials and lawmakers have their way, students in Michigan’s elementary, middle and high schools won’t be able to purchase soda pop from hallway vending machines.

This possibility could rank among the most ridiculous legislation considered at the state Capitol this decade.

Health officials rallied Wednesday to support a bill that would prohibit the sale of soda pop in Michigan elementary and middle schools and would limit its sale in high schools.

State Rep. Virg Bernero, D-Lansing, who led the rally, said schools are putting money ahead of children’s health. He said schools average a 50-cent profit on every can sold in their hallways.

Bernero said children are suffering the effects of being fatter, sicker and having weaker bones in exchange for things like new scoreboards, Science Olympiad participation, leadership conferences and other “worthy causes” that are paid for via soda pop sales.

Is the state going to foot the bill for the schools’ lost revenue if it would approve such a nonsense bill? Probably not when the state is facing a budget deficit.

Perhaps we should require our children to wear gas masks to school to so they will be free from inhaling the polluted ozone into their young lungs.

Or maybe the state could pass policies like the East Lansing Board of Education did last month to ban school field trips across state lines to keep our children safe from terrorism.

If anybody should be worried about how soda pop is affecting children’s health, it should be parents.

Banning soda pop from school cafeterias and hallways won’t prevent children from bringing it in their sack lunches or drinking it at home after school.

Promoting healthy lifestyles and eating habits starts at home, not in the state Legislature.

Perhaps legislators can find something better to focus their time on - like balancing the state budget.


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