Friday, September 20, 2024

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Politics shouldnt affect SNs opinion

I found the editorial “Engler games,” (SN 2/1) laughable.

The State News clearly fears a GOP majority on the MSU Board of Trustees yet admitted in its own editorial that “votes typically are not made along party lines.”

If that’s true, why does it matter what party the next trustee is from?

The State News cries for the governor to maintain “partisan equilibrium.” Did this newspaper seek “partisan equilibrium” when Democrats held the majority? Or is it seeking balance only now when it is possible the GOP could gain the majority?

I am certain if Trustee Robert Weiss feels Gov. John Engler’s invitation is as “disgraceful and unacceptable” as The State News tries to make it out to be, he will turn down the appointment.

Kyle Olson
2001 graduate


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