Friday, September 20, 2024

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Comedys advertisement not funny, illustrates need for cultural and sensitivity education

The flyers that appeared on campus promoting the movie “Kung Pow: Enter the Fist,” a kung-fu movie parody, were grossly inappropriate for a campus with such a diverse background.

The flier, which was spotted at the Wonders Hall front desk Jan. 25, looked more like a menu for the fake restaurant “Evil Betty’s Kung Pow Palace.”

The menu included many stereotypical items including “sweet and sour poodle” and “twice baked boxer.”

The flier also had contained degrading comments that mentioned “health department code violations” and “intentions to operate without a license.”

Ignorant incidents such as these should not be tolerated and reflect poorly on our university.

The flyers should have never been made, and definitely should not have been placed in dormitories on campus.

In response to the flyers, the Asian Pacific American Student Organization have decided to boycott the film, which they feel negatively depicts Asian Americans.

Not only should members of the group be offended, but all students should be outraged that this took place on campus.

Other student organizations should take a stand against acts of ignorance such as this and play a role in preventing something like this from happening again.

Tom Nishi, coordinator for Asian American and Pacific Islander Student Affairs at MSU, reported the flier to the Department of Police and Public Safety via e-mail.

He said there is much need for education at MSU when it comes to racism.

We agree.

The fact that this is an issue in the first place shows needs to be addressed on a larger scale. We believe had any other minority group been disrespected in such a blatant way, the uproar would be magnified.

The university and students must not be satisfied until all ethnicities and nationalities are supported, protected and understood.

Amy Radford, Wonders Hall complex director, is looking to work with Asian Pacific American aides to discuss movies that negatively depict different races.

This is a step in the right direction, but the university as a whole needs to continue to improve programs that deal with cultural sensitivity and education.

After all, many people don’t mean to be offensive - they just do not know their actions are wrong.

If the issue fails to be addressed, offensive acts such as this will continue to happen to other races and cultures at MSU.

The university community can not allow racism to go on and must stand up to it in all its forms.


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