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No refuge

Bushs quick-fix answer to energy problems is contradictory, wont help solve future issues

Would somebody please tell President Bush that the oil fields in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge are not the solution to the United States’ long-term energy problems?

Calling fuel cells and hybrid cars “the wave of the future,” Bush, at the White House on Monday, pressed the Senate to pass his controversial comprehensive energy plan, which is highlighted by plans to drill in the refuge to increase domestic oil production.

Bush said more oil production within the United States will decrease the country’s dependence on foreign oil.

The president’s conclusion is oxymoronic.

If the government invests more resources into the production of affordable hybrid vehicles and fuel cells, the United States’ dependency on oil will be reduced, and dependency on foreign oil will also decrease.

Depleting the globe of more finite natural resources is not the solution for America’s energy future.

It is a short-term fix that costs too much.

Short-term solutions aren’t the answer to long-term problems. And the environment is too precious to continue to be taken for payment.


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