Friday, September 20, 2024

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Dont drill here

Great Lakes drilling ban approval is welcome, good news for states environmental future

It was a good move for the state Senate to end decades of slant drilling under the Great Lakes.

The state Senate passed a bill banning directional drilling on Michigan’s Great Lake shorelines by a vote of 28-5 on Wednesday. The House voted to pass it, 98-7 earlier this year.

This was a bill that many thought Gov. John Engler would not support. But Engler spokesman Matt Resch said the governor “expects it to be law.”

We are glad Engler is going to sign the ban and support the U.S. government.

While slant drilling may have some small advantages, such as an increase in the Midwest’s oil supply, these effects are small compared to potential aesthetic and environmental impacts.

Drilling is not necessarily bad for the environment, but there are great risks. In addition, polls show a majority of Michigan residents disapprove of slant drilling.

It is about time Michigan leaders have decided to take the health of the environment seriously.

Nothing positive could have come from continued directional drilling.

Other Great Lake states and Canada should follow suit on this issue.

By uniting in protecting the environment, all parties can benefit.

A ban on directional drilling has been long overdue, and Michiganians and the environment will benefit from it.


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