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APASO takes stand against prejudice

Recently, a flier promoting the film “Kung Pow: Enter the Fist” was distributed on MSU’s campus (“Group protests depiction on flier,” SN 2/7). This flier displayed an utter lack of knowledge about Asian culture and promotes many racial stereotypes including the incorrect assumption that all Asians eat dog meat.

While dog meat consumption may be or may have been practiced in Asian countries, Asian Americans do not consume dog meat. In her letter, “Stereotype contains factual information,” (SN 2/11) Ellen Conser wrote, “the complaints (regarding the ad) seem to be discriminatory against Asian Americans.” Later in the article, Conser advises, “Don’t waste your time protesting portrayals of behaviors that really do occur among certain subgroups.” Asians are not a subgroup of Asian Americans. Each group has its own unique culture.

Furthermore, members of the Asian Pacific American Student Organization at MSU do not “seek personal advantage or the spotlight,” as Conser claimed. When offensive and stereotypical advertising for a national film is distributed to students in the MSU community, APASO members hope to break down the ignorance.

APASO members and other racial ethnic students should not simply “grow a spine and accept” popular culture stereotypes simply because they exist.

Education through classes, conferences, programs and protest are a way to understand and hopefully stop these stereotypes.

The second a person thinks twice or questions a stereotypical comment or action, the protest against the “Kung Pow” flier has been a success.

Laura Mercer
social relations sophomore
APASO representative to ASMSU academic assembly


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