Friday, September 20, 2024

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About time

Milosevic is long overdue to answer for the atrocities committed under his command

It’s about time former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic goes on trial Tuesday before a U.N. war crimes tribunal in The Hague, Netherlands.

Milosevic is charged with genocide in Bosnia-Herzegovina and crimes against humanity in Croatia and Kosovo.

Key testimony is expected from some of Milosevic’s close assistants and people who survived the massacres in Kosovo.

It’s important Milosevic is tried and convicted in this trial. Equally important is the conviction of military leaders for all of the lives lost. Although these deaths probably occurred at Milosevic’s command, he should not be convicted alone.

This was a part of the world that was forgotten for far too long. No one got involved and everyone stayed away while “ethnic cleansing” was taking place. NATO moved in on the situation much too late, and thousands of people lost their lives because of it.

These proceedings are an opportunity for the world to take a stand - albeit a stand made much too late.

Tens of thousands of people lost their lives and hundreds of thousands lost their homes.

Milosevic must be punished for his actions. This trial should be used as an international cry against genocide in all of its forms.

Everyone hoped the world had moved past atrocities like this after Adolf Hitler’s regime in the 1940s. Unfortunately history was allowed to repeat itself.

It’s up to the people of the world to not let ethnic-based hatred give way to such horrific and murderous actions.


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