Friday, September 20, 2024

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Williams doesnt deserve new deal

After a week of trying to find money that was not there to send the Spartan Marching Band to the Silicon Valley Football Classic, the administration decided there was enough money to give Bobby Williams a pay raise and a contract extension (“Not worth it,” SN 1/7).

What has Williams done to deserve a raise? Was it the controversy he has brought to the team and university by recruiting an alleged criminal? No, it must be because of his lackluster performance during the last two seasons.

I certainly know that if I, as a practicing engineer, were successful on 12 out of 23 projects (a 12-11 record), I would get a pay raise. Yeah, right. If I botched 11 of my 23 projects, I would be fired without a second thought. I certainly would not get a pay raise and a contract extension.

It is ludicrous that Williams got a pay raise and contract extension, especially in these times of economic woe.

Nick Friant
graduate student


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