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Wendys founder deserves respect

I was very upset and disappointed by the cartoon Nate Allen drew of Dave Thomas and cows (SN 1/14).

It’s too bad Allen or the editorial staff never got to know Thomas by reading his books, meeting him or knowing the good things he has done for thousands of people. To joke about someone’s untimely death is inexcusable and far below what I believe is the mission of The State News.

It would take more print than this paper to share with you all he did and who he was. But I would like to share a few insights.

Anyone who has ever met Thomas or had the privilege to work with him, as I have for 25 years, will tell you there wasn’t a more caring, generous down-to-earth person alive.

Thomas believed it was important to give to others and to your community. He founded and supported the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption that helps find homes for children who need families.

Thomas generously gave money throughout his life for cancer research, worked with numerous fund-raisers for hospitals and charities for special need children.

He stood for the highest quality and took every opportunity to let people know they should always do the right thing. He walked the walk every day. What a rare quality.

Anyone who had the privilege to know Thomas will tell you he was a simple man who didn’t boast and never flaunted his wealth. He always took interest in the people around him and was comfortable talking to presidents, movie stars, construction workers and sandwich makers. He believed in people and always brought out the best in them.

Imagine my and many others’ disappointment when we saw such a mean-spirited joke.

Allen embarrassed The State News, MSU and himself.

I hope in the future, The State News shows more class. Do more research on your topics and have a positive point to your cartoons and articles.

This cartoon lowered The State News’ image as a newspaper. Do the right thing next time and make Thomas proud of you.

Randy Israel
Wendy’s franchise owner


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