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Watch and wait

Wolverines can be better used as guinea pigs when considering a fall break for Spartans

MSU students may be envious of University of Michigan students now that they will have a two-day semester break every fall. But we should allow the Wolverines to be our guinea pigs before deciding if a similar break would benefit our school.

The fall break, approved by the U-M Board of Regents in December, will begin this fall. The potential for a similar break at MSU has been discussed.

The issue was last raised in February 2000, when MSU’s undergraduate student government lobbied top administrators for a weeklong break. The proposal was never brought before the Board of Trustees.

A short vacation would offer students an opportunity to catch up on classes and provide a chance for some relaxation, but there are trade-offs.

Two days off in the middle of the semester would have to be replaced somewhere else. While this may not seem like much, it does present scheduling difficulties.The first week of classes would have to begin on an awkward day - like a Friday.

But, the stretch from the first day of classes to Thanksgiving can seem excruciatingly long. For hard-working students, having two days off before midterms could be an island in the storm.

The fact remains that students have survived fall semester before.

One of the main concerns the U-M Board of Regents had about the break was that students would use it to party rather than study. Maybe its fears are justified.

A Tuesday editorial in The Michigan Daily said the “fall break can, should, and will be used as an excuse to party.”

The additional fall break could be just what students need. Or it could be more of a hassle than it’s worth.

University leaders who are considering a fall break should observe U-M. Maybe a guinea pigs is a more appropriate mascot for the Wolverines.


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